Missionary of the Order of Friars Minor.
The diary of his journey to the East (1318-1330), written on his return by Fra Guglielmo di Solagna, is one of the most surprising that medieval odeporetic literature has left us. The story was intended for Pope John XXII who then resided in Avignon, whose curia was particularly interested in establishing relations with the East.
Collection: Images
Project: 9. Travels and travelers: economic, social and cultural connections.
Chronology: XIV
Scope: Primary, Secondary Education, Higher Education
Resource type: Document
Format: Images
Source: Bibliopraphy studies: Ginckoedizioni; Oderico da Pordenone, Racconto delle cose meravigliose d’Oriente, Edizioni Messaggero, Padova 2018,; Oderico da Pordenone, Relatio de mirabilibus orientalium Tatarorum, a cura di A. Marchisio, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze 2016; A. Tilatti, Odorico da Pordenone. Vita e Miracula, Centro Studi Antoniani, Padova 2004; Oderico da Pordenone e la Cina, a cura di G. Melis, 2 voll., Concordia Sette, Pordenone 1983
Language: Italian
Date: 1314-1330
Owner: Beatrice Borghi (Modernalia)
Copyright: B. Borghi, L. Galoppini, Andar per lo mundo. Antologia di viaggi attraverso i secoli tra realtà e immaginario, Pàtron editore, Bologna, in corso di stampa (2022)
Abstract: Diary and cartography.