The increase in prices in Cartagena in the middle of the 18th century provoked unrest among the population. Some people sent a letter to the Governor of the city asking him to reduce the price of foodstuffs, on pain of being “burnt and fried in boiling oil”. The document then continues with the news that the following day bread was sold for eight quarters, made of water and flour; there would be enough for everyone.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Format: Unknown
Source: Archivo General de Simancas, Secc. Guerra Moderna Suplemento, caja 578.
Language: Spanish
Date: 1766
Owner: Pablo Ballesta Fernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: © Enrique Giménez López, 2017 © Archivo General de Simancas © El blog El Tiempo de los Modernos en el siglo XVIII
Abstract: Conflict over price increases in Cartagena