Measures to prevent riots caused by price increases
Measures to prevent riots caused by price increases
Poor harvests lead to higher prices
Conflict over price increases in Cartagena
Local economy. Document of the general tariff of prices in Madrid during the week of 20 to 26 July 1795.
Local economy. Document-type of unfilled price tables for the city of Toledo in the 1760s.
Local economy. Cover of the codex Moderation of prices of all marketable goods, made by virtue of Royal Provision of his Majesty, and gentlemen of his royal Council, by the Imperial City of Toledo. Year of 1680.
Resource showing the equivalence of the price of bread according to the municipal ordinance of Madrid of 1498, which related the prices of this product to those of its raw material: flour
Graphic resource showing the close relationship between the quality of firearms and bladed weapons through their average value, with the socio-economic groups of Burgos society during the 18th century
Fluctuations in the price of a bushel of wheat (1700-1712) according to crises and wars; showing their impact on demography
Professions carried out by the fathers and husbands of the daughters and wives who married in Lower Extremadura in the 17th century