Marriage contracts between members of the power elite of Huéscar (Granada) in 1624. Dispensation of consanguinity is necessary due to the existence of kinship between the contracting parties. The conditions of the marriage are made explicit. Among them, the bride will contribute 5000 ducats, of which 3000 will be in trousseau, jewels and house plus the expenses of the dispensation, and the rest in money. The bridegroom will contribute the goods that his father D. Gabriel Carrasco Girón has and enjoys from the bond founded by Don Gabriel Carrasco and Andrés Carrasco, his father and grandfather, which are the house and farmhouse of the Raigadas with all its annexes and belongings and the main houses that he has in the city. In addition, he is granted a vineyard of 7000 vines. It is specified that his father cedes, renounces and transfers the usufruct and emolument of the entail and bond to the said Captain Andrés Carrasco Girón, his eldest son. He will also be the heir to another entailed estate held by his father and founded by Mayno de Cernúsculi, the latter’s grandfather.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Source: Fernández Valdivieso, José Luis - Girón Pascual, Rafael María: Los Balboa: poder, familia y patrimonio en Huéscar (ss. XVI y XVII). Estudio, organización y descripción del archivo familiar, Huéscar, Asociación Cultural Raigadas, 2012, pp. 100-104
Language: Spanish
Date: 1624
Owner: Francisco García González (Modernalia)
Copyright: Fernández Valdivieso, José Luis - Girón Pascual, Rafael María; Asociación Cultural Raigadas; Fundación Ntra. Sra. del Carmen y Fundación Portillo
Abstract: Marriage contracts between members of the power elite of Huéscar (Granada) in 1624