Transcribed document of the inventory of goods and rents made in 1752 from the Balboa, Carrasco and Cernúsculi entailed estates accumulated by Don Cristóbal de Bustos Carrasco Balboa. This is an example of the patrimony of the members of the power elite of a mountainous area of southern Spain such as Huéscar (Granada) in the mid-18th century. All properties are detailed, with special mention of the land, specifying the extension, quality, type of crops, number of trees and vines as well as the location. It also lists houses, plots of land, censuses and a flour mill, all of them with their annual income. The inventory is valued at 56,676 reales 30 mrs/year, and above all the irrigated land, which is worth 44,023 reales 13 mrs/year
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Source: Fernández Valdivieso, José Luis - Girón Pascual, Rafael María: Los Balboa: poder, familia y patrimonio en Huéscar (ss. XVI y XVII). Estudio, organización y descripción del archivo familiar, Huéscar, Asociación Cultural Raigadas, 2012, pp. 105-107
Language: Spanish
Date: 1752
Owner: Francisco García González (Modernalia)
Copyright: Fernández Valdivieso, José Luis - Girón Pascual, Rafael María; Asociación Cultural Raigadas; Fundación Ntra. Sra. del Carmen y Fundación Portillo
Abstract: Inventory of goods and annuities of the mayorazgos of Balboa, Carrasco and Cernúsculi accumulated in 1752 in Huéscar (Granada)