Once the period of the War of Succession was over, with the destruction and loss of documents caused, the new political power announced the creation of the Royal Library. The Eeal library became the current National Library and its origin was surrounded by many intricacies. It was an initiative that clashed with Philip V’s profile as a monarch, who was more inclined to play cards than to read books. The idea had deeper and more complex roots. It was in fact an initiative of Philip V’s confessors, one of the many royalist measures that were being introduced with the new political power. For Jesús Pradells Nadal, the concentration of works in the hands of the political power responded to a need to control publications and also to make it easier to justify the new political power. Works (books, coins, manuscripts, etc.) were acquired both through the purchase of the collections of members of the nobility and the intellectual elite and through confiscations. In 1716, Philip V issued a decree establishing the new library. The decree of 2 June 1716 also established the number of employees and the allocation of their salaries
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Link: http://rua.ua.es/dspace/handle/10045/4668
Resource type: Historical source
Source: MARAVALL, J. A. Poder, honor y élites en el siglo XVII.Madrid, 1979, pp. 24
Language: Spanish
Date: 1716
Owner: Djebril Bouzidi (Modernalia)
Identifier: MARAVALL, J. A. Poder, honor y élites en el siglo XVII.Madrid, 1979, pp. 24
Copyright: José Antonio Maravall
Abstract: Decree of Philip V, dated 1716, establishing the new Royal Library