A series halfway between fiction and documentary, produced by Movistar Plus and Global Set, which stands out for its historical rigour. It narrates the main events of the process of exploration and conquest of the West Indies, as well as the expedition of Magellan and Elcano, which was the first to circumnavigate the Earth. It had 1 season and 8 episodes that left us wanting more.
Collection: Aplications
Project: 6. Under a cloak of terror: violence and armed conflict in Europe., 9. Travels and travelers: economic, social and cultural connections.
Chronology: XV, XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conquistadores:_Adventum
Resource type: Serie
Format: Multimedia
Source: Movistar +
Language: Spanish
Date: 2017
Owner: Antonio Carrasco (Modernalia)
Copyright: Movistar + and Global Set
Abstract: Docuseries that focuses on the conquest of the New World and the Castilian explorations of the late 15th and early 16th centuries.