This text excerpt describes Alexander Jardine’s position on the function of the state at its worst. He understands that the control mechanisms of this superstructure were intended to make a thorough study of the material and human capacities of the kingdom in question in order to be able to extract resources more effectively. It was thus the case that the most sophisticated and interventionist state was in fact the one that impoverished its subjects the most. This view stems from his conception of the state, which differed from other personalities of his time, such as Campomanes, who conceived of the state in its centralising aspect and as an entity that imposed order. Jardine, on the other hand, and like Montesquieu, conceived of the state as a guarantor of security and freedom for individuals.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Source: Carta XXVIII
Language: Spanish
Owner: Djebril Bouzidi (Modernalia)
Identifier: Carta XXVIII
Abstract: Fragment of text in which Alexander Jardine criticises the rapacity of the interventionist state