Evolution of births, deaths and natural growth of the black population in Matanzas, Cuba, between 1755 and 1810
Evolution of births, deaths and natural growth of the black population in Matanzas, Cuba, between 1755 and 1810
Graph showing the dynamics of the income of the Holy Brotherhood since its implementation in 1482
Fluctuation of forced migration in Matanzas, Cuba, between 1755 and 1810
Graphic depicting secret protests, a type of power of attorney in which those involved attempted to defend themselves legally in Burgos during the 18th century
Evolution of tobacco sales in Santiago de Chile in the years 1771, 1827 and 1832
Line graph showing the granting of noble titles and access to the Academies of Marine Guards among the descendants of Cadiz merchants between 1690 and 1829
Fluctuation of wine imports through the port of London during the 17th century
Resource showing the origin of the students of the Seminary of San Pelagio in Cordoba between 1600 and 1699, a seminary created in the heat of the Council of Trent and not exempt from conflict due to economic and institutional interests
Wine imports via the port of London from Spain, France, Italy or the Rhineland
Resource that compares grammar schools that were privately funded with those that were only financed by pupil fees. Schools confined to the province of Extremadura at the end of the 18th century