Portrait of Charles V by Titian in 1548. Museo Nacional del Prado.
Portrait of Charles V by Titian in 1548. Museo Nacional del Prado.
A zoomorphic gold pectoral cast in lost wax and hammered in gold belonging to a pre-Columbian society. Bogota Gold Museum.
Photograph at London Zoo from the Photographic Club members’ 1855 photograph album.
Anonymous Aztec standard-bearer figurine made ca. 1519 in volcanic stone, used during ceremonies. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
The illustration shows a recent graduate of the University of London, dressed in academic dress, standing in front of a room of books and holding a human skull in her hand
Spanish soldiers advancing across the Americas, despite notorious opposition from the belligerent Aztec people and the military alliances won by Cortés. Archivo de la Nación, Mexico.
Photographs of workers at the construction of the British Museum station on the London Underground in 1898.
Map of the New Land of Santa Cruz, at the southern tip of California, discovered by Hernán Cortés in 1535.
Expulsion of the Moors in the port of Denia, a work by Vicente Mostré.
Map of the new lands discovered by Christopher Columbus on his four voyages to the American continent between 1492 and 1502.