Distribution of the population of Extremadura based on the 1591 census compared to the Floridablanca census
Distribution of the population of Extremadura based on the 1591 census compared to the Floridablanca census
Proportion of the population engaged in service sector activities in 1787
Amounts, calories and types of goods received by Royal Navy sailors in Montevideo, Uruguay, between 1770-1810
Study of household structures in the Sant Pere neighbourhood of Barcelona in 1770
Relative prices of traded products in the Spanish Empire (paper, bramante, saffron)
Distribution of households according to population by social groups in Navahermosa, Toledo, through the Cadastre of the Marqués de la Ensenada
Stabilisation of the monetary movement under the reign of Charles II in Spain
Legitimate fertility rates from 1700 to 1979 by women’s ages
Labour force in cotton spinning in Catalonia in 1842 based on the differentiation between men and women
Structure of the different professions that took place in Calatrava (La Mancha), including agriculture, livestock and the service sector