Distribution of households according to population by social groups in Navahermosa, Toledo, through the Cadastre of the Marqués de la Ensenada
Distribution of households according to population by social groups in Navahermosa, Toledo, through the Cadastre of the Marqués de la Ensenada
Stabilisation of the monetary movement under the reign of Charles II in Spain
Resource showing the evolution of livestock farming in the Asturian valleys of Santillana and the Hermandad de Campoo de Suso
Study of the number of secular inhabitants in Villamayor de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, through the Cadastre of the Marquis de la Ensenada (1752)
Resource showing the characteristics of monopoly rights in the Valencian lordships of Alfara and Burjasot during the 17th century
Type of family structure in different provinces of the region of Extremadura in the mid-17th century
The resource reflects the monetary value of different types of linen, wool and silk in many areas of the Crown of Castile.
The female head of household in Spain in the 18th century through life cycles
Analysis of consumer goods and their availability to Palencia’s families at a time of transition from the Ancien Régime to the liberal state
Women as the head of the family in 18th-century Spain