Within the province of Albacete, the majority of servants and servants were young (up to 25 years of age). After that age, their number decreased, although it was equally important (42.1% of the total). These data acquire significance if we take into account their life cycle. The Cadastre of the Marquis de la Ensenada for the town of Villarrobledo shows that of the 368 whose marital status is known, there were no married women; among the men, 31.5% were already married and 5% were widowed. Returning to age, the internal hierarchisation of work was related to the length of experience in the work performed: age. Thus, the work of young servants was secondary or subordinate; likewise, the pay was lower.
Colección: Estadísticas
Proyecto: 3. Mundo rural y mundo urbano en la formación de la identidad europea., 4. Familia, vida cotidiana y desigualdad social en Europa.
Cronología: XVIII
Ámbito: Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato, Universidad
Enlace: https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/MAe071/9057
Tipo de recurso: Estadística
Formato: Tabla
Fuente: García González, F. (2017). "Sirvientes y criados en el mundo rural de la España interior, 1700-1860. Desigualdad social y dependencia", en Mundo Agrario, vol. 18, nº 39, p. 16.
Idioma: Castellano
Fecha: 2017
Propietario: Pablo Ballesta Fernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: © Francisco García González © Mundo Agrario, 2017
Resumen: Tramo de edad de los criados: su número, especialización laboral y sueldo en algunas zonas de Albacete