Session XXIII of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) agreed to the creation of centres dedicated exclusively to priestly formation. The centres were to be controlled by the bishops of each diocese and the financial endowment was to come from episcopal and capitular revenues. The loss of income on the part of the diocesan councils, and the opposition of the existing colleges and universities that also trained the clergy, meant that the new seminaries were only slightly established. In the case of the diocese of Cordoba, the Seminary of San Pelagio was established between 1583 and 1600. Where did the new seminarians come from? Of the 352 students that the institution had in the 17th century, the vast majority, 315, were born in the diocese and province of Cordoba (89.49%), followed by the towns also belonging to the bishopric of Cordoba, but not to the civil province (23, 6.54%). A further 13 pupils (3.69%) were born in neither the jurisdiction of the bishopric nor the civil province of Cordoba, and only 1 pupil (0.28%) was from a town in the province, but whose ecclesiastical jurisdiction differed. By origin, the vast majority came from rural areas (294 pupils, 86.73%), and 13.27% were from the city of Cordoba. The author notes that, although the capital of Córdoba accounted for 13.27% of the total, the 45 pupils from that city constituted the largest number of pupils from the same nucleus, followed by rural areas such as Castro del Río (21) and Pozoblanco (18).
Collection: Graphics
Project: 10. Churches and religions in Europe.
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Graph
Format: Pie chart
Source: Barrado-Jiménez, I. (2019). "El seminario de San Pelagio en la Córdoba del siglo XVII. Análisis prosopográfico y estudio socio-geográfico de sus estudiantes", en Hispania Sacra, LXXI, nº 143, p. 212.
Language: Spanish
Date: 2019
Owner: Pablo Ballesta Fernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: ©Hispania Sacra ©Isabel Barrado-Jiménez
Abstract: Resource showing the origin of the students of the Seminary of San Pelagio in Cordoba between 1600 and 1699, a seminary created in the heat of the Council of Trent and not exempt from conflict due to economic and institutional interests