Royal Decrees on trade and tonnage in the Philippines
Royal Decrees on trade and tonnage in the Philippines
Need for blacks and mulattos to work in the mines of Mexico
Royal Decree to the officers of the Casa de Contratación in Seville, giving licence to Francisco de Esquivel to pass to Hispaniola six black slaves who are two year old Christians.
Royal Decree to the officers of the Casa de la Contratación to allow Andrés de Duero three black Christian slaves to pass to the Indies.
Autograph of Lope de Vega Carpio
File containing the evidence for the granting of the title of Knight of the Order of Santiago to Pedro Calderón de la Barca and González de Henao
List of merits and services of Diego Molano Flores, captain of Spanish armour horses, in the tercios de Flandes, captain of Spanish armour horses, in the tercios de Flandes. References: -Captain Agustín Vázquez. -Captain Leandro de Huidobro. -Captain Juan de San Martín Cerbera. -Captain Pedro Lorenzo Sordet.
List of the Spanish, Italian, Irish, Irish, Scottish, English, Burgundian, Walloon and German tercios and regiments of infantry and cavalry, which make up the army in the states of [Flanders (Belgium)], with an expression of those which have been reformed.
Letter from Antonio de Morga, president of the audience of Quito, to H.M. on the advisability of founding a university in Quito
Memorial of Luis Pimentel, procurator general of the Society of Jesus in the Philippines, on the importance of the evangelisation of China, and requesting that five or six religious of the Society and of other Orders be sent.