Straddles the period between late Gothic and early Renaissance. It is an example of aristocratic residences, which move from castles to cities. In this case, the Mendozas controlled a royal city such as Guadalajara, where they also established their pantheon. They were one of the most egregious lineages of the Greatness of Spain, standing out as politicians, warriors, men of letters and ecclesiastics. Their domains show the patronage and collectionism typical of their high status.
Collection: Images
Project: 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe., 5. Power and powers in the history of Europe: oligarchies, political participation and democracy.
Chronology: XV
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate
Link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palacio_del_Infantado#/media/Archivo:Palacio_del_Infantado.jpg
Resource type: Image
Format: Stone
Source: Guadalajara
Language: Spanish
Date: 1480
Owner: Raimundo A. Rodríguez Pérez (Modernalia)
Copyright: Public domain
Abstract: Power elites, Cultural history