The Army of Flanders is considered to be the army that the Spanish Monarchy established to defend the territories of the Spanish Netherlands from 1516 until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. After the signing of this Treaty, in addition to putting an end to the War of Succession, the Monarchy lost control of its dominions in Flanders.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Link: http://pares.mcu.es/ParesBusquedas20/catalogo/show/4212200
Resource type: Historical source
Format: Unknown
Source: Archivo Histórico de la Nobleza. Archivo de los Duques de Osuna. Ducado de Osuna. Personal:Funciones desempeñadas. Funciones militares
Language: Spanish
Date: 1516-1713
Owner: Álvaro Chaparro Sainz (Modernalia)
Identifier: ES.45168.AHNOB/1//OSUNA,CT.197,D.84-85
Copyright: © MECD. Archivos Estatales (España)
Abstract: List of the Spanish, Italian, Irish, Irish, Scottish, English, Burgundian, Walloon and German tercios and regiments of infantry and cavalry, which make up the army in the states of [Flanders (Belgium)], with an expression of those which have been reformed.