Piece of historical costume from the 17th century
Piece of historical costume from the 17th century
Processional float executed in 1754 by Francisco Salzillo. Church of Jesús, Salzillo Museum (Murcia)
Representation of a masked ball held, probably, at the Teatro del Príncipe in Madrid, painted by Luis Paret and Alcázar around 1767.
Representation of cochineal cultivation and production. The image shows a picture of a cultivated cactus, where the mealybug has swarmed well.
Musical genre scene in the playful interiors of 17th century Spain by Velázquez
Fashion in Spain and the new French clothing adopted with the chupa and the jacket as fundamental pieces
Imafronte of the Cathedral of Murcia, built between 1737 and 1751 under the guidelines of Jaime Bort
A zoomorphic gold pectoral cast in lost wax and hammered in gold belonging to a pre-Columbian society. Bogota Gold Museum.
Photograph at London Zoo from the Photographic Club members’ 1855 photograph album.
The illustration shows a recent graduate of the University of London, dressed in academic dress, standing in front of a room of books and holding a human skull in her hand