Resource showing the expenditure of the section in charge of the public representation of Queen Margaret, wife of Philip III: the stables
Resource showing the expenditure of the section in charge of the public representation of Queen Margaret, wife of Philip III: the stables
Pie chart showing the origin of the commercial vessels that arrived for the Cernesio family in 1615
Bar chart showing the evolution of loan payments by Charles V between 1540 and 1554 to German, Genoese, Castilian and Flemish lenders
Months of the year in which the people of S’Estorel worked during the 17th century and what they were employed on
Evolution of tobacco sales in Santiago de Chile in the years 1771, 1827 and 1832
Fluctuation of wine imports through the port of London during the 17th century
Wine imports via the port of London from Spain, France, Italy or the Rhineland
Average income level in Tenerife
The importance of letters of obligation granted by masters and captains of ships in the late 16th century
Construction of the viceroyalty of Peru since the 16th century and its impact on the number of Amerindian tributaries in the 16th century