Study of the number of secular inhabitants in Villamayor de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, through the Cadastre of the Marquis de la Ensenada (1752)
Study of the number of secular inhabitants in Villamayor de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, through the Cadastre of the Marquis de la Ensenada (1752)
Resource showing the number of inhabitants in the provinces of the Crown of Castile in 1683. In his reconstruction, the author applies a coefficient to obtain the number of inhabitants.
Resource that reflects the structure of the home in a rural setting on the banks of the River Júcar in Albacete
Resource showing the evolution of the population of the Crown of Castile during the Modern Age using different historical sources.
Analysis of the size and composition of the household according to its family model, the number of children, relatives and servants
Table showing the division by marital status and sex of the age groups in areas of La Manchuela albacetense in 1753. The age cycle as part of social dynamics
Example that analyses the dynamics of the offspring of families in two municipalities in central-southern Spain to see the life cycle in the creation of new family nuclei
Typology of servants in a rural environment, a reflection of economic activity and family dependency
Distribution of inheritances to see the distribution of inheritances according to social groups, analysing the impact of the legitimate, third of improvement and fifth of free disposal in both rural and urban areas
Geographical mobility of the servants settled in Jorquera and Casas Ibáñez. Graduated radial effect with a north-south tendency