From the time of Isabella of Valois, the stables acquired an important place in the royal households, as it was the section responsible for the public representation of the monarch or queen. It became their representative vehicle, and its organisational model evolved from the chivalric and medieval court to the courtly court. In 1599 Margaret of Austria-Styria married Philip III, son of Philip II. From then on, the stables of the new queen played a prominent role within the royal household with a large and specialised department, although less so than that of her royal husband. The resource deals with the expenses of Queen Margaret’s stable between 1600 and 1611, the year of her death. With an approximate expenditure of 17,625,000 maravedies in 1601, the main items were for dresses, carriages, provisions, salaries and ordinary and extraordinary expenses. After this first year, both the budget and expenditure increased, reaching its highest point in 1607. The growth of ordinary expenditure was exponential, while that for medicines and horseshoes remained constant throughout his reign. Salaries also increased in direct proportion to the number of courtiers and servants who staffed the queen’s stables. Extraordinary expenditure was, by its very nature, the one that showed the most ups and downs, decreasing when all the others were increasing.
Collection: Graphics
Project: 2. Social and economic impact of technological revolutions in Europe., 5. Power and powers in the history of Europe: oligarchies, political participation and democracy.
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Link: https://revistas.usal.es/index.php/Studia_Historica/article/view/4891/4929
Resource type: Graph
Format: Bar chart
Source: Labrador Arroyo, F. y López Álvarez, A. (2006). "Las caballerizas de las reinas en la Monarquía de los Austria: cambios institucionales y evolución de las etiquetas, 1559-1611", en Studia Historica, vol. 28, p. 111.
Language: Spanish
Date: 2006
Owner: Pablo Ballesta Fernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: ©Studia Historica ©Félix Labrador Arroyo ©Alejandro López Álvarez
Abstract: Resource showing the expenditure of the section in charge of the public representation of Queen Margaret, wife of Philip III: the stables