A television series with a historical setting and comic style, consisting of 9 seasons and 116 episodes, which tells the story of a kind of vigilante ninja who hides behind the gentle figure of a schoolteacher in the town of Madrid. The series reflects 17th century Spanish society, although it has many inaccuracies and anachronisms. The original series was broadcast in some twenty countries and adaptations of it were also made. It gave rise to a film and a board game.
Collection: Aplications
Project: 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe., 5. Power and powers in the history of Europe: oligarchies, political participation and democracy.
Chronology: XVII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Link: https://www.rtve.es/television/aguila-roja/
Resource type: Serie
Format: Multimedia
Source: RTVE
Language: Spanish
Date: 2009
Owner: Antonio Carrasco (Modernalia)
Copyright: Globomedia y RTVE
Abstract: Comic-series depicting the adventures of a superhero in the Hispanic Monarchy of the 17th century.