American series, which shows the life of Mary Stuart in France, from her courtship with Prince Francis, from an adolescent and very sweetened perspective (in the style of the series Sex and the City or Gossip Girl). It consists of 4 seasons and 78 episodes. The historical reconstruction and the script have many licences and errors. It can be a good example for a critical exercise in historical rigour. The best thing about the series is undoubtedly the character of Catherine de Medici. And the worst, the portrayal of the Infante Don Carlos, Philip II’s first-born son.
Collection: Aplications
Project: 4. Family, daily life and social inequality in Europe.
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Serie
Format: Multimedia
Source: Netflix
Language: Spanish
Date: 2013
Owner: Antonio Carrasco (Modernalia)
Copyright: CBS
Abstract: Series depicting the life in France of Mary Stuart at the French court.