Portrait of Bernardo Muñoz, assayer of gold and silver, by Thomas Francisco Prieto
Portrait of Bernardo Muñoz, assayer of gold and silver, by Thomas Francisco Prieto
Engraving of Saint Eloy that serves as the title page of the ordinances of the Board of Trade and Currency concerning the practice of silversmithing, first issued in 1771.
A typical 17th century piece of clothing used as a gift between Courts for which amber or herbs were used to perfume them
Piece of historical costume from the 17th century
Family tree of the Fernández de Moratín family from their settlement in Madrid in the 17th century until the Napoleonic invasion
Fragment of the genealogy of the Gálvez family, based in Antequera, in the 18th century.
Marital dowries in the artisan sector as social differentiation
The table divides the professional groups in Zamora according to the sector to which they belong (1561)
Table showing the groups receiving loans in Segovia at the beginning of the 16th century, differentiating between residents of the same city and those of other towns
Distribution of households according to population by social groups in Navahermosa, Toledo, through the Cadastre of the Marqués de la Ensenada