Printed proclamation relating to the edict of expulsion of the Moors from the kingdom of Aragon, dated 29 May 1610.
Printed proclamation relating to the edict of expulsion of the Moors from the kingdom of Aragon, dated 29 May 1610.
Document that records the process of confirmation of the Catholic faith by a converted Moor and his descendants in Valladolid. In it they request that there be no confiscation of goods, that they be pardoned for their sins, etc. The document contains the Royal Decree of 20 April 1558 on the edict of grace.
Documents containing warnings from France about a possible Moorish uprising in the territories of the Hispanic Monarchy
Letter from Emperor Charles V to the Marquis of Frómista in which he announces his decision to renounce in his son Philip, the future Philip II.
Map of the Iberian Peninsula, made by Abraham Ortellius and first published in 1570 (Netherlands). This edition was edited by Aegidius Coppenius Diesth and published in Antwerp in 1584
Plan proposed by Fratín to reinforce Fuenterrabía according to correspondence with the Cortes in the 16th century
Cultural history
Military history
Portrait of the Infanta Catalina Micaela, a work by Alonso Sánchez Coello
Miniature self-portrait of Sofonisba Anguissola, closed on 1556