Certification of the service record and recommendation of Carlos Aguado, Captain of the Santiago Cavalry Regiment. Fol. 20-21
Certification of the service record and recommendation of Carlos Aguado, Captain of the Santiago Cavalry Regiment. Fol. 20-21
List of merits and services of José María de Ciria Beteta, colonel and brigadier of the Farnese Cavalry Regiment. Fol. 67
Relation of merits and services of Miguel Francisco de Bañuelos Cabeza de Vaca, presbytero lawyer of the Audiencia de Puebla de los Ángeles from where he is patrimonial, and lawyer of the poor of the Audiencia de México in the Sala del Crimen; artist of the Colegio de San Ildefonso and bachelor in Arts, Canons and Law by the Universidad de México, rector and substitute in the chair of Rhetoric, opponent to several chairs
Falsehoods noted in the service record of Francisco Carabaño, sergeant major in Trinidad, who is applying for the rank of colonel. Pages 374-386
Appointment of Pedro Nolasco del Río as commander of the Frontier Dragoon Corps. Includes service record of Domingo Alvarez Ramírez, sergeant major. Fol. 120-130
Gazeta: historical collection. Provisions and news published in official newspapers from 1661 to 1959.
Letter from Emperor Charles V to the Marquis of Frómista in which he announces his decision to renounce in his son Philip, the future Philip II.
File on the award of the Order of the Golden Fleece to Somodevilla, Zenón de, Marquis de la Ensenada
Professional merits of Melchor Rafael de Macanaz
File relating to the appointment of Cardinal Portocarrero, Archbishop of Toledo, as governor of the kingdom in the absence of the King, after the death of Charles II and until the accession of Philip V to the Spanish throne