Document containing the marriage contract of Antonio María de Munibe Aréizaga and Josefa Joaquina de Aranguren Álava, descendants of two prominent 18th century families of the Royal Bascongada Society of Friends of the Country.
Document containing the marriage contract of Antonio María de Munibe Aréizaga and Josefa Joaquina de Aranguren Álava, descendants of two prominent 18th century families of the Royal Bascongada Society of Friends of the Country.
Map showing the greater implementation of the family policy of the sole heir in the Kingdom of Aragon during the Modern Age, as opposed to the egalitarian distribution of inheritance
Resource showing the levels of patronage by ecclesiastics during the Modern Age in the diocese of Lugo
Fragment of the genealogy of the Gálvez family, based in Antequera, in the 18th century.
Genealogy hidalgos as a reflection of social reproduction
Family tree of a family with bureaucratic and administrative offices in Alcaraz (Albacete)
Genealogy of the Igualada family from the mid 17th century to the end of the 18th century
Network of relationships connecting Martín Villaranda to other individuals according to family, spiritual and executorial ties
Family tree of the Fernández de Moratín family from their settlement in Madrid in the 17th century until the Napoleonic invasion
Table showing the nature of the dowry assets contributed in marriages in the Vega baja del Esla between 1700 and 1850