Fragment of text in which Miguel de Múzquiz y Goyeneche, 1st Count of Gausa, qualifies the ideas proposed by Itúrbide in relation to the fight against banditry and smuggling
Fragment of text in which Miguel de Múzquiz y Goyeneche, 1st Count of Gausa, qualifies the ideas proposed by Itúrbide in relation to the fight against banditry and smuggling
Fragment of text explaining the procedure to be followed by the religious of the Company of Mary with the incarcerated
Fragment of text in which the clergyman Felipe Bertrán explains the importance of hearing the word of God
Fragment of a text by Pedro de Calatayud in which he instructs Guarani women on the new prototype of Catholic woman to which they should ascribe
The consul Agustín Sánchez Cabello, stationed in Lisbon, reports on the strict orders given in 1767 concerning the Jesuits
Statements by a ship’s skipper collected by the Alicante Jesuit Vicente Olcina
Decree issued by Philip V on the militias protecting the coast in the Alpujarras and Granada to grant them and maintain their military jurisdiction in criminal matters
Letter in which La Vauyugon expresses to Montmorin the new political panorama that opens up with the death of Charles III and the ascendancy of Marie-Louise of Parma in the politics of the kingdom
Text written by Miguel Buñuelos against the principles of equality and freedom established in France in 1795
Fragment showing the prayers to the divinity in 1790 in order to make it rain in Guanjuato (Mexico)