This is a lecture by Professor of Modern History Ricardo García Cárcel, who first presents an excellent historiographical review of Las Germanías before moving on to the presentation of such controversial figures as El Encubierto de Valencia (The Undercover of Valencia). Professor García Cárcel also raises the question of the inferiority of the Germanías with respect to the Communities of Castile and the differences between the two conflicts. In the intervention, the numerous clichés between revolutionary and conflictive individuals, whose movement took Guillem Sorolla as its leader, and an apparently legitimate and consolidated nobility are made clear. The Germanías were a confrontation against the nobility on the part of the common people. They took place between 1519 and 1523 in Valencia and Mallorca, and their background was administrative corruption and tensions among the peasantry, which led to protests against the civil service. In the first place, they started from legality, even inserting themselves into local politics, and their main objective, as the professor rightly points out, was to stop the interference of Italian merchants in local Valencian trade. Moreover, the strength of the agermanado movement was sufficiently important for its echoes to reach the kingdom of Mallorca, where there was also a social revolt with different nuances to that of Valencia. However, to what extent did the tension between the agermanados and the nobles reach its peak? And what were the consequences of the subsequent repression? All these questions are addressed with great acuity in this dissertation.
Collection: Aplications
Project: 6. Under a cloak of terror: violence and armed conflict in Europe., 7. Persecuted by justice and powers: rebels, political dissidents and criminals in the history of Europe.
Chronology: XVI
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Video
Format: Multimedia
Source: Ricardo García Cárcel. The nobility at three moments in the history of the Kingdom of Valencia: series of conferences
Language: Spanish
Date: 2014
Owner: Daniel Maldonado Cid (Modernalia)
Copyright: Youtube
Abstract: Video about Las Germanías in Valencia