This is one of the most highly valued processional floats by the Murcian sculptor, due to its outstanding quality and the novelty of its composition. It is made up of five images, namely St. John, St. James the Greater and St. Peter together with the two main figures, Christ and the Angel. It represents the moment when Jesus and three of his disciples withdrew to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, at which point an angel appeared from Heaven. The apostles embody the three ages of man and the different phases of sleep. St. John, the youngest, sleeps soundly, St. James the Elder, who is more mature, is in a peaceful sleep, while St. Peter, the oldest, seems to be awake, as he holds his sword tightly, revealing the perfect anatomy of his arm. Christ’s gaze is directed towards the chalice, which in the procession is placed on a date palm. This liturgical object symbolises the sacrifice that has begun to be consummated. The Angel, of idealised beauty, points to the chalice, urging Christ not to lose heart. This float is carried in procession along with eight others on Good Friday mornings in the city of Murcia, all of which belong to the Brotherhood of Jesus. The origins of the procession date back to 1600, when the first constitutions were approved, although the first procession would not take place until 1601.
Collection: Images
Project: 10. Churches and religions in Europe., 11. Science and culture as representation in Europe.
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Baccalaureate, University
Link: https://www.museosalzillo.es/coleccion/iglesia-de-jesus-pasos/la-oracion-en-el-huerto/
Resource type: Image
Format: Sculpture, polychrome wood
Source: Iglesia de Jesús, Museo Salzillo (Murcia)
Language: Spanish
Date: 1754
Owner: Blanca Rodríguez Hernández (Modernalia)
Copyright: Real y Muy Ilustre Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno
Abstract: Processional float executed in 1754 by Francisco Salzillo. Church of Jesús, Salzillo Museum (Murcia)