Five-year graph of the evolution of Irish immigration in Bizkaia
Five-year graph of the evolution of Irish immigration in Bizkaia
Genealogy hidalgos as a reflection of social reproduction
Graph in ten-year percentages of marriages that are consanguineous in relation to the total number of marriages
Map of widowhood Floridablanca Census
Graph showing the evolution of consanguineous marriage according to its degrees between the Modern and Contemporary Ages
Contrasts between North and South Castilian between the number of servants and the age at which women enter into marriage
Network of relationships connecting Martín Villaranda to other individuals according to family, spiritual and executorial ties
Family tree of a family with bureaucratic and administrative offices in Alcaraz (Albacete)
Resource showing the number of marriage dispensations due to different degrees of consanguinity of the contracting parties
Stereotypes and female invisibility in the textbooks of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education