Document reflecting the situation of a page servant. The declaration is part of those made by the only Royal Tax; it was the responses to the Cadastre of the Marquis de la Ensenada that the monarch ordered to be made in order to take stock of the socio-economic situation of his Kingdom. In this case, he is a servant in the house of Don Nicolás Juan Paniagua, for which he is paid 3 reales a day. He also declares that he lives in his house with his wife, his mother-in-law and a neighbour from Toledo.
Collection: Texts
Chronology: XVIII
Scope: Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, University
Resource type: Historical source
Format: 1 page Manuscript
Source: Archivo Municipal de Toledo, Libro de los Fondos del Estado de Legos de la Ciudad de Toledo para la Única Contribución del año 1771. Tomo 8º. Nº 26. Parroquia de San Nicolás, Juan Antonio González, nº 248, fol. 3392
Language: Spanish
Date: 1771
Owner: Francisco García González (Modernalia)
Copyright: ©Seminario de Historia Social de la Población ©Archivo Municipal de Toledo
Abstract: Description of the situation of a page servant