Table of the evolution of Extremadura’s population centres explained in 3 major development zones
Table of the evolution of Extremadura’s population centres explained in 3 major development zones
Repository of the volumes of the Floridablanca Census compiled by INE
Regional contrasts in the distribution of urban centres in Spain in 1787
Repository and comments on the Census of the Marqués de la Ensenada of 1752
Trades practised by the French settlers in Saragossa in the 17th and 18th centuries
Repository and transcription of the Census of Salt taken in 1631
Baptisms in Bilbao according to the spatial distribution of the parishes that reflect the changes in urban demography during the 17th century
Transcription of Charles V’s Census of Dairy Farmers drawn up in 1528
Table reflecting the property transfer preferences of the Leonese nobility
Facsimile of the Godoy Census (1797) published in 1801 and republished by the INE