Balance of the age of entry into marriage in the different regions of Spain showing a clear contrast between the north and the south
Balance of the age of entry into marriage in the different regions of Spain showing a clear contrast between the north and the south
Map of widowhood Floridablanca Census
Contrasts between North and South Castilian between the number of servants and the age at which women enter into marriage
Stereotypes and female invisibility in the textbooks of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education
Marital dowries in the artisan sector as social differentiation
Life cycle of widowers showing its peak at the ages of maturity
Loneliness and family behaviours, especially linked to women, which conditioned life in inland Spain
Single women in England according to the stereotypes of the spinning wheel
Annex to the demographic weight of women in servitude in France under the ancient regime
Table showing women prosecuted for the crime of unlawful prostitution between 1479 and 1518