Image of the original house of the family of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Azpeitia (Guipúzcoa)
Image of the original house of the family of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Azpeitia (Guipúzcoa)
Cultural history
History of mentalities
Fluctuation of forced migration in Matanzas, Cuba, between 1755 and 1810
Resource showing the origin of the students of the Seminary of San Pelagio in Cordoba between 1600 and 1699, a seminary created in the heat of the Council of Trent and not exempt from conflict due to economic and institutional interests
Evolution of the free white, free black and brown and black and brown slave population in Cuba in the late 18th century
Evolution of the free white, free black and brown population and black and brown slaves in Matanzas (Cuba) at the end of the 18th century
Evolution of births, deaths and natural growth of the black population in Matanzas, Cuba, between 1755 and 1810
Table showing the evolution of convent foundations in Aragon from before the 16th century until the 18th century
List of existing women’s convents in the Crown of Aragon