Resource showing the levels of patronage by ecclesiastics during the Modern Age in the diocese of Lugo
Resource showing the levels of patronage by ecclesiastics during the Modern Age in the diocese of Lugo
Line graph showing the granting of noble titles and access to the Academies of Marine Guards among the descendants of Cadiz merchants between 1690 and 1829
Resource showing the origin of the students of the Seminary of San Pelagio in Cordoba between 1600 and 1699, a seminary created in the heat of the Council of Trent and not exempt from conflict due to economic and institutional interests
Resource showing the administrative division of the chapter of Barcelona Cathedral, as well as its functions and powers.
Evolution of precious metals on their arrival in Spain from the Americas
Construction of the viceroyalty of Peru since the 16th century and its impact on the number of Amerindian tributaries in the 16th century
Graph showing the total number of births, legitimate children and foundlings according to the parish registers of Antequera
The resource shows the transport of metals and coins within the Iberian Peninsula. Bankers who carried out operations collected in Madrid and which were mainly oriented towards the Crown of Aragon
The resource reflects the expense of Manila, a territory of the Spanish Empire, in the face of attacks by the Dutch Armada. Articulation of a system of economic aid in the Empire through the “situados”
The resource shows the collection of Catalan taxes; explanatory patterns based on war, political and social conflicts that affected the production and collection power of the authorities