Family tree of a family with bureaucratic and administrative offices in Alcaraz (Albacete)
Family tree of a family with bureaucratic and administrative offices in Alcaraz (Albacete)
Population growth in an urban island environment. Population growth and density
Comparison between the number of garments in the Spanish and French dresses
Professional fields where French-style dress was predominant
Genealogy of the Igualada family from the mid 17th century to the end of the 18th century
Balance of the age of entry into marriage in the different regions of Spain showing a clear contrast between the north and the south
Five-year graph of the evolution of Irish immigration in Bizkaia
Family tree of the Fernández de Moratín family from their settlement in Madrid in the 17th century until the Napoleonic invasion
Graph in ten-year percentages of marriages that are consanguineous in relation to the total number of marriages
Demographic structure of Albacete according to the levels of baptism and marriages conditioned by crises and wars.