Resource showing the equivalence of the price of bread according to the municipal ordinance of Madrid of 1498, which related the prices of this product to those of its raw material: flour
Resource showing the equivalence of the price of bread according to the municipal ordinance of Madrid of 1498, which related the prices of this product to those of its raw material: flour
Bar chart showing the extraordinary resources raised to try to pay for the Nine Years’ War by the French monarchy
Graphic resource showing the close relationship between the quality of firearms and bladed weapons through their average value, with the socio-economic groups of Burgos society during the 18th century
Graph showing the evolution of mortality, birth rate and marriage rate in Hoyos to reflect the changes that took place around the War of Independence in 1808
Graph showing the evolution of lawsuits, both in civil and ecclesiastical justice, in the kingdom of Navarre during the modern period. It can be seen that the end of the Ancien Régime brought with it an increase in social conflict, mainly involving young people
Line graph showing the percentages of consanguinity and homonymy in the Cantabrian partentescos of the Iguña Valley for the 17th century
Graph showing the number of altercations that took place on each day of the week and the times at which they occurred. The resource also refers to the most conflict-prone months; those that hosted events that mobilised the local community
Line graph showing the evolution of the population considered elderly in Fermoselle between 1750 and 1825
This resource deals with the different places where people tended to commit crimes and cause public disturbances in modern Navarre. The public space was the preferred place for this, but we find other areas associated with local festivities
Pie chart showing the origin of the commercial vessels that arrived for the Cernesio family in 1615