The image depicts an execution of those condemned by the Holy Inquisition. Burning at the stake was the ultimate penalty for heretics. It was common for the accused to be publicly burned on a pyre as an example to the entire population
The image depicts an execution of those condemned by the Holy Inquisition. Burning at the stake was the ultimate penalty for heretics. It was common for the accused to be publicly burned on a pyre as an example to the entire population
The image shows the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella and Ferdinand, kneeling in front of the city of Granada. To the left of the image and in front of the Catholic Monarchs, the Christian troops can be seen. In front of them, on the right, the city walls can be seen, with the Alhambra in the background, as well as the Muslim troops. It is very likely that the image represents the Muslim surrender and the handing over of the keys of the city by Boabdil to the Catholic Monarchs
The image shows a plan-drawing of the Nuevas Poblaciones de Sierra Morena in the 18th century. Extensions of the municipal district of Hornachuelos (Córdoba) are depicted.
The image represents a view of Granada from the work Civitates Orbis Terrarum, by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, produced around 1572. This work contains more than 500 perspectives, aerial images and maps of cities around the world.
Images and documents on the battle of Lepanto. Of particular interest is the woodcut depicting the Virgin of Mount Carmel with Don Juan of Austria and his lieutenant Miguel de Moncada. The Turkish admiral, Ali Baya, is beheaded in the foreground.
The image shows a view of the almadraba of Zahara de los Atunes (Cádiz) from land. In the past, tuna traps were an important part of the fishery and offered high economic returns to whoever was in charge of their exploitation. The catches could be kept salted and marketed far from their place of origin.
Moorish clothing around the 16th century
Set of engravings of 16th-century Spanish costumes by M. de Gaignières. It belongs to the Compilation of foreign costumes made by M. de Gaignières, imitating the costumes of France (Spain, 1572).
This resource shows a bullfight in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid, a popular festival that served to celebrate a variety of political, social, military and religious events during the Modern Age. It belongs to the Collection: Selected Optical Views of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Volume 5, Views of Great Britain and Spain
The image shows a view of the Strait of Gibraltar and its surroundings, with the trenches established during the 1704 siege