The first part of the audio deals with the mysticism that surrounds some of the works of the master Francisco de Goya
The first part of the audio deals with the mysticism that surrounds some of the works of the master Francisco de Goya
Explanatory video on the Renaissance
Video debate on the Black Legend
Explanatory video on Balmis and the Philanthropic Smallpox Vaccine Expedition of 1803-1806
Audio about Balmis and the Philanthropic Smallpox Vaccine Expedition of 1803-1806
Video of the discussion on Isabel Zendal and the Balmis Smallpox Vaccine Expedition of 1803-1806
Simple and short video on Isabel Zendal and the Balmis Smallpox Vaccine Expedition 1803-1806
Podcast dedicated to Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, radio broadcast of the programme “Rosa de los Vientos” narrated by Juan Antonio Cebrían
Online article from Historia National Geographic magazine on “The lottery in Spain: an 18th century fever”
Author’s Library of the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library dedicated to Benito Jerónimo Feijoo