Musical genre scene in the playful interiors of 17th century Spain by Velázquez
Musical genre scene in the playful interiors of 17th century Spain by Velázquez
Costumbrista scenes in the kitchens of 17th-century Spain, painted by Velázquez
Velázquez’s depiction of domestic service in 17th-century Spain
Still life around food, depicting Spanish costumbrismo in the 17th century
Expulsion of the Moors in the port of Denia, a work by Vicente Mostré.
Graph showing the percentage of inbred marriages in Potes and Liébana between 1600 and 1850
Graph showing the price of bread in Trujillo (Cáceres) during the second half of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century
Line graph comparing publishing production on Turkey and the Indies between the end of the 15th century and the first half of the 19th century
Graph showing the evolution of lawsuits, both in civil and ecclesiastical justice, in the kingdom of Navarre during the modern period. It can be seen that the end of the Ancien Régime brought with it an increase in social conflict, mainly involving young people
Graph showing the number of altercations that took place on each day of the week and the times at which they occurred. The resource also refers to the most conflict-prone months; those that hosted events that mobilised the local community