Graph showing the evolution of mortality, birth rate and marriage rate in Hoyos to reflect the changes that took place around the War of Independence in 1808
Graph showing the evolution of mortality, birth rate and marriage rate in Hoyos to reflect the changes that took place around the War of Independence in 1808
Balance of the age of entry into marriage in the different regions of Spain showing a clear contrast between the north and the south
Contrasts between North and South Castilian between the number of servants and the age at which women enter into marriage
Professions carried out by the fathers and husbands of the daughters and wives who married in Lower Extremadura in the 17th century
Average estimates of the dowries received by husbands from their wives in Extremadura in the 17th century
Estimated nuptiality in Spain from the 1787 census
Evolution of marriage transas in Santo Domingo de la Frontera, Baja California, after the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767
Resource that deals with the structural model of families in the Galician region of Baixo Minho to see the demographic sociology of households according to their social status